
The Complete Hip & Pelvic Training Programme – Face to Face workshop with Sally | Pro-Align

The Complete Hip & Pelvic Training Programme – Face to Face workshop with Sally


This is a 1 day/8hr face to face workshop. Full manual included. Learn how to assess and train the hip and pelvic complex from isolation to full integration and loading.
The knowledge can be used with private clients or within your rehab exercise classes or Pilates mat classes.
Contact us for prices and details on hosting or attending this workshop at your studio or clinic.


Assess, treat and train the hip and pelvis

This practical course will equip you with the skills to effectively assess, treat and train the hip and pelvic complex. After completion you will be able to use the in-depth clinical knowledge and functional approach taught in this course right away.


Aimed at physiotherapists and movement coaches, this practical workshop will equip you with exercises and various mobilisers to both educate and train your clients on the hip and pelvic complex. You will learn how to take treatment from basic level 1 rehab through to high level standing and functional control using resistance.

Why do this course?

This course will focus on the hip and pelvic area, one of the 3 fundamental areas for movement and energy throughout the body. The hips and pelvis due to their close anatomical connection can’t really be treated in isolation and have a direct effect on one another.

An ‘unstable’ pelvis can lead to injuries of the hips, adductors, hamstrings, knees and even the feet. As therapists and movement coaches, we are looking to encourage optimal movement patterns within our clients. This course will allow you to effectively assess body movement and identify and understand any dysfunctions.

Furthermore, you will be able to take a multiplanar approach to rehab both on and off the mat, providing the body with a positive movement experience. You will learn how to address any movement dysfunction and create a training plan that can be graded with constant reassessment and feedback.

What will I cover? 

Course content is split into six sections 

Theory; a short lecture to review the anatomy of the region, primary and secondary dynamic slings, and function as it relates to gravity and ground.

Assess;  a review of some of the assessment techniques we can use for the hip to look at including range, stability, and posture.

The treatment plan relates to choosing the appropriate rehab exercises and training what has been found in the assessment section.  If running a small group session we want to run a class that addresses exercises from each section in the order given below to give a comprehensive workout.

The training plan;

Release; a review of the different types of release methods for this region. (Foam roller, ball and trigger points, hold relax and dynamic mobility)

Isolate;  working to isolate parts of the stability system of the hip and pelvis. How to train the posterior hip cuff, outer gluteals and deep hip flexors.

Integrate; integrating movement and function with the dynamic myofascial slings.

Strengthen;   looking at functional movement patterns, adding in 3D variations and external load with the resistance band

Full instructional manual included.


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